Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day at the Beach

Last week we got a break from the gloom and doom and were blessed with a weekend of sunshine. Granted it was still barely breaking 40 degrees but it was sunshine nonetheless. A friend of mine up here convinced me that this was going to be a great weekend to get out to the coast and do some surfing. HE was right.

On Sunday, May and I drove out to Oswald West State Park on the gorgeous and rugged Oregon coast. This place is named after the famed Oregon governor who declared the beaches of Oregon to be a highway, thus securing them in the public trust for decades to come. It may sound crazy but the beaches were literally one of the only means that people could travel up and down the coast back in the day. In the 1970's this philosophy of Oregon beaches and the Oregon coast being the property and right of the people of Oregon was upheld with the passing of the Beach Bill.

The conditions were great in a beautiful cove. Six to eight foot swell with an offshore wind and sunshine. Of course the water was still about 50 degrees so we made sure to have a fire waiting for us as we got out of the water